
NightcrawlerxChild!Reader Circus Freaks Pt. 2

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Literature Text

    The next morning Kurt woke up early and dressed quickly. He hustled through the hallways in hopes that they were still having breakfast. When he got to the kitchen he found just who he had been hoping to catch. Bobby and Rogue sat eating breakfast together, talking about the day’s lesson plans.

            “Kurt, you really need new pants. Those are just ugly.” Rogue commented.

            Kurt looked down at his striped pants unamused, “Vell, actually, I vas hoping you vould take (Name) shopping. I’ll be paying of course but I just don’t believe it vould be okay for me to go.”

            “Why not?” Bobby asked.

            “I’m blue…” He deadpanned.

            “Right! Yeah, we’ll take her.”

            “Bobby, I’d rather not. You know what could happen.” Rogue sighed, placing her hand on his shoulder.

            “It’ll be okay. I’ll handle the munchkin, you just need to pick out the stuff.” Bobby reassured her.

            “Fine.” She huffed, “Be ready in thirty minutes.” She left the kitchen to go get ready.

            “Danke.” Kurt nodded before making his way back to his room.

            Kurt entered (Name)’s room quietly and flicked the lights on. He chuckled when she groaned and burrowed deeper into the blankets. He gently shook her only to have his hand smacked away by her tail. Kurt smirked slightly and took his blanket off of the bed, watching happily as she uncurled from her ball.

            “Kuuuuurt!” (Name) whined.

            “Vakey Vakey, (Name). Bobby and Rogue are going to take you shopping today. You need clozhing, shampoo and conditioner, and a hair brush of some sort.”

            “Vhy aren’t you coming?” She asked, rubbing her eyes.

            “I vill only scare people if I come meine Engel. Bobby and Rogue vill protect you, I promise.”


            “Let’s get you dressed.” He lifted her out of bed and took her back into his room. “Vhat to put you in today? Hmm, this one.” He smiled and took out a shirt that was too small for him. When he put it on (Name) it looked like a dress. “Okay, (Name). I need you to listen now. You know people don’t like mutants; I vant you to try and keep your tail in the shirt and let your hair cover your ears.”

            “Yes Kurt.” She nodded.

            “Most importantly, I need you to behave.”

            “Ja Kurt.”

            Kurt smiled and allowed his tail to wrap around (Name)’s smaller one. She smiled and stood beside him. Together, they walked down the hallways to the kitchen. Bobby chuckled at the sight of their tails and nudged Rogue. She smiled a bit and leaned against the countertop.

            “Ready to go, kiddo?” Bobby asked, kneeling down to her level.

            (Name) nodded and Bobby took her hand; Kurt smiled and unraveled his tail from hers. Rogue led the way down to the garage while Kurt stood in the kitchen, watching until they disappeared. Logan came up beside him and raised an eyebrow, looking in the same direction.

            “Want to help out at the self-defense class? I could use a sparring partner.” Logan asked without turning his head.

            “Sure. I need something to distract me until she gets back.” Kurt agreed, walking away with Logan, “Can I teleport?”

            “Today’s lesson is fighting unfriendly mutants. I think it would defeat the purpose if you didn’t.”

            Logan brought Kurt out to the courtyard where students were beginning to gather. Today was Thursday, which meant history class was traded for self-defense. They stood in front of the group, surveying the class. When they saw Kurt they all backed away a couple steps.

            “Why’s the blue devil here? Shouldn’t he be taking care if the little devil?” The same boy from the night before asked.

            “Sie sind nicht ein Teuffel.” Kurt muttered. “I am nozhing but a circus performer. At least I’m trying to salvage vhat little is left of her life.”

            Logan placed a hand on his shoulder, “Cool it, its okay.” He whispered, “Okay runts. Rule one, Kurt is not a devil and neither is (Name). Rule two, pay attention before I kick your ass. Rule three, watch closely. Today you’ll learn about fighting other mutants. Not all of them are good.”

            “What exactly is Kurt’s mutation?”

            “Wait and see. Ready Kurt?”

            “Alvays.” Was the response.

            Logan unsheathed his claws and ran towards Kurt. He was left in a cloud of blue smoke and a state of confusion. He looked around for a second before finding Kurt dangling upside down, by his tail, in a tree. Before he had the chance to react he found himself in another puff of smoke. In mere seconds Logan was up, one hundred feet in the sky being held by Kurt. Logan took the chance to swipe up but found he had already been dropped. By time he realized it there was about a seventy foot drop to the ground. Logan braced himself to hit the ground but with a quick ‘BAMF’ he was standing back on the ground with a very pleased looking, blue teleporter.

 “Not all mutants are nice; not all mutations are easy to fight against, such as teleporters.” Logan explained, sheathing his claws.

            “I am not somezhing you vant to meet in an alleyvay by accident. Neizher is someone like Logan, someone vith a healing factor.” Kurt grinned.

            Logan leaned over and whispered something in Kurt’s ear. He contemplated what was said, tossing his head left and right before nodding. Suddenly Kurt was gone, appearing behind the boy who constantly insisted on calling (Name) a devil. He took the kid by the shirt and with a loud ‘BAMF’ and a puff of blue smoke he placed the boy in a tree. Using his tail, Kurt hung upside down in front of the boy to look him in the eye.

            “Someone get me out of this tree!” He yelped, slinging to the branch.

            “Nein. Vhen you apologize.”

            “For what!?”

            “You know vh-” Kurt’s phone rang, which he immediately picked up, “Guten Tag.”

            “Kurt, its Rogue. You need to come down to the store.” He leapt out of the tree and walked away.

            “Hey! Get me out of this tree!” The kid yelled.

            “Vhat? Vhy? What’s Vrong?”

            “(Name)’s crying and she won’t speak English. We can’t understand her and people are glaring at us. They’ve realized she’s a mutant.” Rogue explained. “Bobby’s trying to calm her down but it’s not working.”

            “I’ll be there in a few minutes. Tschues.” Kurt hung up, “Logan, I’ve got to go. Don’t let him out of the tree.”

            “Can do. Class dismissed.” Logan shouted, looking up at the tree.

            Kurt ran back into the school to grab his gloves. He shoved his tail into his pants as he rushed through the halls. He found the black, leather gloves and pulled them on with great haste.  Within seconds Kurt was out of the school and in the backroom of Walmart. He popped his collar up to hide his neck and hung his head as he walked out into the store. His ears twitched at the sound of (Name) crying. He hurried to the girls section where he found Bobby making funny faces at (Name), who was balling her eyes out. Instinctively, Kurt lifted (Name) out of the shopping cart and sang.

            “Ich bin Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil, komm aus Aegypton liegt direkt am Nil. Zuerst lag ich in einem Ei, dann schni schna schnappte ich mich frei.”

            (Name) calmed down quickly after she heard Kurt’s voice. He bounced on his toes back and forth until she stopped crying. Rogue and Bobby watched, amazed that something so simple could calm her down.

            “Was ist das, Liebling?”

            “Leute immer starren uns an. Sie nannten uns Freaks.”

            “It’s okay meine Engel, its okay.”

            “What was wrong?” Bobby asked.

            “She got scared. Lots of people were staring and were calling you freaks. She had an anxiety attack.”

            “I thought she would be used to large crowds staring.” Rogue said, “She did perform with a circus.”

            “Und each performance gave her an anxiety attack.”

            “Oh. Well, on the good side, we have basically everything. We’re just missing a dress.”

            “Why does she need a dress?” Kurt asked curiously, looking down at (Name).

            “Just trust the girl, Kurt.” Bobby chuckled.

            “Kurt nodded and, amid his anxiousness, forgot to control his tail. His tail slid back to its regular position and flicked back and forth. He followed Rogue to a rack filled with dresses. She lifted a red dress similar to orphan Annie’s. Kurt nodded his consent quickly and she put it into the cart with a red hair bow.

            “That’s everything.”

            “That mutant is hurting those kids!” A woman shouted, causing Kurt to turn. She shrieked louder, “He’s blue!”

            “He’s hurting that little girl!” A man called.

            “Oh, nein! Ich bin ihren Bruder! I’m her brozher.” Kurt tried to explain as the circled around the group.

            Rogue began to take her gloves off and the temperature around them dropped as Bobby became colder. She began to reach out but Kurt stopped her by shoving a blank check into her hand, “Kurt?” She asked.

            “It’s signed; pay for everyzhing. I need to get her out of here.” He muttered, “Don’t vorry. Please.” With a loud ‘BAMF’ and a puff of blue smoke they were gone.

            The crowd swarmed Bobby and Rogue who had returned to their normal state. They fussed over them until someone asked, “The mutant didn’t hurt you, did he kids?”

            “Yes, we’re fine, just slightly traumatized I guess. We’re just going to pay and leave now.” Bobby nodded, pushing the cart out of the crowd and grabbing.

            The pair paid as quickly as possible, leaving within the next ten minutes. When they got back to the school, Kurt was waiting outside to take the bags inside. He took them from the trunk in silences and shut it again. He nodded ‘thank you’ and disappeared inside, dropping the bags to the floor. Kurt sat down with the bags, sighing and resting his head in his hands.

            “Vhat am I going to do? I just vant her to have a nice life but everyvhere she goes her past follows her.”

            A knock sounded from the door, “Kurt, the kid’s still in the tree. I can watch the runt for a second if you need.” Logan gruffly entered the room, “You okay?”

            “Ja, ja. I’m fine.” Kurt sighed, pushing himself up off the floor, “She’s asleep in her room, just be careful. If you get too close zhe shadows vill come after you.” He lazily moped out of his room.


            “Just trust me.” BAMF! He hung from the tree once again and smirked, “You ready to apologize?”

            Yes! Just get me out of this tree! I’m starving!” The boy cried, “I’m sorry. I won’t call you or (Name) devils anymore.”

            “Danke.” Kurt grabbed the kids and got him out of the tree. He walked back into the mansion and went into (Name)’s room, dismissing Logan. He left and shut the door.  Kurt climbed into the full size bed and wrapped his arms around (Name).

            “Kurt?” She asked groggily.

            “Shh, it’s nap time. Dein Bruder ist muede.”

            “Guten Abend, gute Nacht mit Rosen bedacht, mit Naeglein besteckt, schlupf unter die Deck.” (Name) sang quietly, lulling her brother to sleep.

           "Meine Engel." He murmured as he fell asleep. 

Okay, so I forgot to mention this was indeed a chaptered story. It's slightly shorter than the other one but the next one will probably be longer than the first. So there's your advanced warning. I'm working hard ot get this up as fast as possible. As we can see it'll be a repetative theme to take it one day at a time, ending the story with them falling asleep. 

Love you all! I'll be back to Fledgling Daycare soon after this! I only ask for patience and cooperation!

You- Kurt
Kurt- XMen and Marvel and Stan Lee
Plot- ME!
© 2014 - 2024 ArtistoftheDark
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keybladewielder93's avatar
can´t stop laughing and giggleing Giggle Giggle Giggle 

“Why not?” Bobby asked.
I’m blue…” He deadpanned.

...Hatsune Miku-04 (Laughs)